I recently upgraded from 2020.04, where I got the audio running with the links below. With 2020.10 I needed the following steps:
For Ubuntu 2020.10 which comes with a Linux Kernel v5.8, I needed soundwire 1.4:git clone https://github.com/maaarghk/soundwire-dkms cd soundwire-dkms git checkout latest-sofproject cd .. sudo mv soundwire-dkms /usr/src/soundwire-1.4.0 sudo dkms add soundwire/1.4.0 sudo dkms build soundwire/1.4.0 sudo dkms install soundwire/1.4.0I guess I will have to repeat the steps above, whenever a new Kernel is installed.
The files coming with the packet linux-firmware
must be replaced by the content of sof-firmware-1.6-2-any.pkg.tar.zst (mainly files of the lib folder).
#wget https://www.archlinux.de/download/extra/os/x86_64/sof-firmware-1.6-2-any.pkg.tar.zst wget http://tardis.tiny-vps.com/aarm/packages/s/sof-firmware/sof-firmware-1.6-2-any.pkg.tar.xz tar xf sof-firmware-1.6-2-any.pkg.tar.* sudo mv /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof.bak sudo mv /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg.bak sudo cp -r usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof/v1.6 /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof sudo cp -r usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg-v1.6/ /usr/lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg
It seems that the replacement of /usr/share/alsa/ucm2/sof-soundwire
is not needed - on my Xubuntu 2020.10 it is working even without. To be sure to have the original distro files, I run sudo apt reinstall alsa-ucm-conf
answer here when solved: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1308884/how-to-install-ubuntu-20-10-on-the-new-xps-17-9700 check here to get it solved: - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dell_XPS_17_(9700)#Audio - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1270442/no-sound-on-xps-17-9700 - https://askubuntu.com/questions/1256825/no-sound-on-ubuntu-20-04-dell-xps-7390-realtek-alc3271-intel-corporation-de - https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-no-sound-on-xps-17-9700/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/hteg2c/ubuntudebian_audio_with_the_dell_xps_9700_progress/ - https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=339927 - https://blog.fts.scot/2020/07/04/dell-xps-2020-how-to-get-audio-working-on-linux/
are executed. So create a new script there (e.g. name it fix_touchpad
) and fill it with the following content:
#!/bin/sh case $1 in pre) ;; post) synclient Touchpadoff=0 echo "Set 'Touchpadoff' to zero." | systemd-cat -t fix_touchpad -p info ;; esacFinally make it executable (e.g. by running
chmod 755 /lib/systemd/system-sleep/fix_touchpad
. Then perform suspend and wakeup, and check if your script was executed:
$ journalctl -e | grep fix_touchpad Dec 16 06:14:04 XPS-17-9700 fix_touchpad[4900]: Set 'Touchpadoff' to zero.