Dual-Boot (Encrypted)

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Some general topics:

Install Windows 10

Windows can be downloaded from Microsoft and installed without a valid license (the license dialog can be skipped). To use Windows, you have to buy a license afterwards.

At the Windows installation, create your partitons in a way that the hard disk has 50% free space after the Windows partitions.

Disable Windows Fast-Boot

I haven't noticed any drawback when having the Fast-Boot enabled in the dual-boot environment, but it is recommended to disable it: Source: windowscentral.com

Encrypt Windows Partiton (C:\)

I ve enrypted the Windows System partiton after installing Linux. I would recommend this too - since I don't know how the Linux installer would detect Windows when its system partition is encrypted.

For the encryption I've downloaded VeraCrypt and used the option "Encrypt System Partition" - it's quite straight forward.

Linux Installation

The Linux installation was not that straight forward - since the Ubuntu 18.04 installer struggled with the encryption (it terminates then having the swap partition unencrypted - but fails when having root and swap encrypted (two separate containers)). The only way is to do the partition setup manually: Source: blog.keyidentity.com and octetz.com

WiFi Driver for Realtek RTL8821CE

There is a DKMS driver available. It must be added to /etc/modules.

Showing BOOT Messages during Startup

When your device doesn't boot like expected, you want to see the output during boot. Normally it is shown when you hide the splash screen with ESC. On Xubuntu you have to add the following lines at the end of the /etc/default/grub file:
# KKR EDIT: Show boot messages when pressing ESC during splash screen

Authentication is required for hibernating the system.

Instead of hibernating the device, the system stays active an just shows an 'enter password' dialog. With changing the the power-management values from auth_admin to yes the hibernation shall work:
  <action id="org.xfce.power.xfce4-pm-helper">

    <description>Suspend or hibernate the system</description>
    <message>Authentication is required to place the system in suspend or hibernate mode</message>
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/sbin/xfce4-pm-helper</annotate>
Source: linuxmint.com

VPN Login

The following script can be used to login to the company VPN:
#!/bin/bash -ue
# Script to open VPN connection

if ! which openvpn &> /dev/null ; then
	echo "ERROR: Openvpn is not installed!"
	echo "Perform 'sudo apt install openvpn' to fix this."
	exit 1
if [ ! -d RoadRunner69 ] ; then
	echo "ERROR: Directory 'RoadRunner69' does not exist!"
	echo "You have to extract the company's VPN ZIP here"
	exit 1

set -x

# Needed for NAS' Ubuntu
if [ ! -e /dev/net/tun ] ; then
	sudo mkdir /dev/net
	sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
	sudo chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun

cd RoadRunner69/
GATEWAY=$(cat RoadRunner69.ovpn | grep "dhcp-option DNS" | awk 'NF{ print $NF }')
cat RoadRunner69.ovpn | \
	sed 's/^redirect-gateway/#redirect-gateway/' | \
	sed 's/^dhcp-option DNS/#dhcp-option DNS/' | \
	sed 's/^block-outside-dns$/#block-outside-dns/' > ${USER}_RoadRunner69.ovpn
sudo openvpn --config ${USER}_RoadRunner69.ovpn --route $GATEWAY
You can add the line %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/openvpn to the file /etc/sudoers that you don't need to enter the password every time.


Known Issues