Operator Priority (Precedence)

The following List shows the precedence of the operators in C.
Priority Operator Description Associativity
18 :: Scope Resolution -
() Brackets
17 a() Function call Left to right
a[] Subscript (e.g. indexing of arrays)
-> Accessing pointers
. Accessing structs, objects, etc.
i++ Suffix increment
i-- Suffix decrement
type() Functional casts, static_cast, const_cast, etc
16 + - Algebraic sign (unary plus and minus) Right to left
! Logical NOT
~ Bitwise NOT
++i Prefix increment
--i Prefix decrement
& Address operator
* Dereference
(type) C-cast
sizeof Sizeof
new, new[] Memory allocation
delete, delete[] Memory deallocation
15 .* Pointer-to-member Left to right
->* Pointer-to-member
14 * Multiplication Left to right
/ Division
% Modulo
13 + - Addition and substraction Left to right
12 << >> Shifting Left to right
11 < <= > >= Comparison Left to right
10 == != Equal and not-equal Left to right
9 & bitwise AND Left to right
8 ^ bitwise XOR Left to right
7 | bitwise OR Left to right
6 && logical AND Left to right
5 || logical OR Left to right
4 = Assignment Left to right
*= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= <<= >>= Compound assignment
3 a ? b : c Conditional operator Right to left
2 throw throw operator Left to right
1 , Comma operator Left to right